The IUPAC Advisory Committee on Crop Protection Chemistry is an international group of volunteers comprised of approximately thirty scientists from academia, industry, government, regulators and private consultancies dealing with crop protection, pesticides and their behavior in food and the environment. The Committee is part of IUPAC Division VI, and we provide, via a project system, unbiased and timely authoritative reports and reviews on topical issues. For more information on IUPAC Projects see information on the IUPAC Project Page. CropChem News is an effort to disseminate committee activities, share information on upcoming events in the crop protection community, and to increase cross-sector dialog on news and discoveries on crop protection.

Advances on the Assessment of Pesticides Soil Microbial toxicity
In this issue of CropChem News, we highlight a new Technical Report publication in the October 2022 issue of Pure and Applied Chemistry, resulting from an IUPAC project 2014-032-1-600: “Advances on the Assessment of Pesticides Soil Microbial toxicity: New research and regulatory aspects in light of the recent methodological advances”, led by Dimitrios Karpouzas (University of Thessaly, Greece).
This publication “Pesticide soil microbial toxicity: Setting the scene for a new pesticide risk assessment for soil microorganisms (IUPAC Technical Report)” was authored by Dimitrios Karpouzas with the co-authors Zisis Vryzas (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece) and Fabrice Martin-Laurent (INRAE, France) providing proposed guiding principles of a revised pesticide risk assessment scheme focused on the protection of soil microorganisms and associated ecosystem services.
Advances and limitations in the experimental approaches used in soil microbial ecology are reviewed, scientific gaps are identified and mitigation solutions are proposed.
Recent work in the assessment of the soil microbial toxicity of pesticides are summarized. Ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, as most relevant bioindicator groups providing substantial services in agricultural production, are proposed to support a tier-based risk assessment scheme.
Dimitrios Karpouzas commented,
“Today, a set of standardized ecotoxicity tests supporting the risk assessment are in place to assess the toxicity of pesticides on aquatic organisms and soil fauna, unlike soil microorganisms, whose ecotoxicological response to pesticides has not been set as a priority in the current risk assessment framework. This is surprising if we consider the number of key ecosystem services provided by microorganisms in soil.
A non-exhaustive list of such services includes their role in: (i) nutrient cycling, modulating soil fertility; (ii) increasing plant tolerance to biotic (pests and diseases) and abiotic (drought, salinity) stressors; (iii) the uptake of nutrients by plants, hence promoting plant growth and agricultural productivity; (iv) the maintenance of soil structure.
All the above highlight the need for a scheme to assess the toxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms. This should consider the recent impressive methodological advances in soil microbial ecology coinciding with the upsurge of methods standardization.”
Read full paper in Pure and Applied Chemistry (
Project details at
Each year IUPAC endorses a large number of independently organized conferences, symposiums and workshops that cover a wide range of specialized topics in chemistry.
For details, please see the IUPAC Calendar of Events.
Endorsement by IUPAC attests to the quality of the scientific program and indicates the host country’s assurance that scientists from all countries may participate. See the IUPAC website more details on Applying for IUPAC Endorsement of a Conference or Symposia
We are highlighting a signature event for IUPAC Division VI! The 15th IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CROP PROTECTION CHEMISTRY “Futuristic Approaches towards Seed to Market Strategies”, will be held during 14th-17th March 2023 in New Delhi, India at Bharat Ratna C. Subramaniam Auditorium (NASC Complex).
The Congress promises to be a gathering of next generation crop health scientists and professionals for whom your presence will be a source of inspiration. The venue is built in the heart of city, close to the center for Green Revolution in India, IARI, and can accommodate more than 1500 scientists interested in crop protection chemistry. We hope to see a galaxy of world-renowned speakers from academia, industry, government and many others.
The congress will provide a forum for scientists from different disciplines, in academia, industry and other areas to discuss latest trends and discoveries in agrochemicals and phytomedicines, and to deliberate on important issues of agricultural research, presenting their views as policy inputs to the planners, decision/opinion makers at various levels. Participating at the Congress will give you the opportunity to broaden your network and to reach out to your fellow crop protection scientists.
For details, kindly visit or contact Dr Najam Akhtar Shakil or Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Chairs of the Congress, at [email protected].
18 to 25 August 2023 – IUPAC WORLD CHEMISTRY CONGRESS 2023 ‘Connecting Chemical Worlds’ IUPAC|CHAINS2023 is organized by the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV) and the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The IUPAC World Chemistry Congress is organized biennially with recent previous editions in Sao Paolo (2017), Paris (2019) and digitally in Montreal (2021). In 2023 we expect to welcome you on location in The Hague to meet each other in person.
The conference consists of the 52nd IUPAC General Assembly (18-25 August 2023) and the 49th IUPAC World Chemistry Congress combined with the 11th edition of CHAINS, the largest chemistry congress from the Netherlands (20-25 August 2023).
15 to 19 October 2023 the 31st International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products and the 11th International Congress on Biodiversity (ISCNP31 & ICOB11), originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed because of the worldwide COVID19 outbreak, will be held on October 15th -19th 2023 in Napoli, Italy. The main aim of this conference is to highlight advancements, innovations and future perspectives in this long tradition and fascinating area of research of chemistry of natural products and biodiversity science and to create a fruitful environment that promotes international collaborations and cross-fertilization of ideas. Experts and young scientists will have the opportunity to present their research, while industrial representatives will present the latest applications of natural products.
30 June to 4 July 2024 the International Biotechnology Symposium Congress will be jointly organized with ECB, the Congress of European Federation of Biotechnology and with NBC, the annual Netherlands Biotechnology Conference, in Maastricht.
The joint IBS2020, ECB2020 and NBC-20 will showcase frontline science that will form the basis for future commercial innovation. The scientific program reveals an excellent line-up of plenary lectures and invited speakers. In line with the IBS and ECB tradition, the participation of young scientists will be promoted by encouraging them to submit original work to be considered for presentation as short talks or posters.
Major themes/Stream: Production of biologicals | Genome editing | Bioengineering | Biocatalysis & metabolic engineering | Biotechnology for the environment and energy | Grand challenges for biotechnology
On February 6, 2023, the IUPAC Division of Chemistry and the Environment, Advisory Committee on Crop Protection Chemistry announced that the 2023 IUPAC International Award for Advances in Harmonized Approaches to Crop Protection Chemistry will be presented to Professor Keith R. Solomon, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph in Guelph, Canada. Professor Solomon is recognized for his creative and internationally influential force for science-based and harmonized approaches to crop protection chemistry. Dr. Solomon’s contributions are rooted in his role as a leading investigator and scholar concerning chemical behavior and significance in the environment. This award is sponsored by Corteva Agrisciences and is awarded every two years. For more information on this award, please see the recent call for nominations.
The complete award announcement can be accessed HERE.
Congratulations to Professor Solomon!!
During the 2011 International Year of Chemistry celebrations, this award was created to acknowledge and promote the work of women chemists/chemical engineers worldwide. Since then, the award has gained more attention in the global community. This year, 12 awardees have been selected based on excellence in basic or applied research, distinguished accomplishments in teaching or education, or demonstrated leadership or managerial excellence in the chemical sciences. The Awards Committee has been particularly interested in nominees with a history of leadership and/or community service during their careers. The awards presentation will be made during the IUPAC World Chemistry Congress to be held in August 2023.
The complete list of winners can be accessed HERE.
Among the 12 winners is Dr. Laura McConnell, of Bayer CropScience, former president and emeritus fellow of IUPAC Division VI.
Congratulations to Dr. McConnell!
26 to 28 April 2023
The next Workshop for Phytosanitary Inspectors on Risk-Based Sampling and Inspection (EPPO) will be organized in Bern (CH) at the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture.
30 April to 4 May
The SETAC EUROPE 33rd Annual Meeting will be held in Dublin, Ireland + Online.
7 to 12 May 2023
The XVI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds will be organized, for the first time, in South America, Iguazu, Argentina.
15 to 18 May 2023
The 2nd International Molecular Plant Protection Congress “Innovation in Plant Protection” will be held at Hektaş Agricultural Innovation, Training and Experience Center, Orhangazi-Bursa,Türkiye under the coordination of Ankara University, Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Hektaş Ticaret Türk A.Ş.
21 to 24 May 2023
The Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop has become the main meeting in Latin America for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments in the area of pesticide science and analysis of pesticide residues in food and the environment. The 9th Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop, “Growing in knowledge of pesticide chemistry in Latin America” will be held in Panama.
23 May 2023
The 74th International Symposium on Crop Protection will focus on new developments in all aspects of crop protection at Ghent University, Belgium.
6 to 9 June 2023
XVI Meeting of the IOBC-WPRS WG “Biological and Integrated Control of Plant Pathogens” in Wageningen, Netherlands. The conference theme this year will be “Biocontrol needs and challenges in future cropping systems”.
11 to 15 2023
ICCE 2023 – 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment “Towards a pollution free society”, which will be held in Venice, Italy. Division VI is contributing sessions to the conference. Abstracts are due by 3 March.
23 to 26 July 2023
North American Chemical Residue Workshop (NACRW), Fort Lauderdale FA, USA, July 23rd-26th. This is an annual conference focusing on residues of pesticides, veterinary drugs, and other compounds in foods, animal feeds and the environment.
8 to 10 August 2023
The 2023 New Zealand Plant Protection Society Conference will be held in Rotorua, New Zealand.
12 to 16 August 2023
Plant Health 2023 is organized by The American Phytopathological Society at Denver, Colorado.
13 to 17 August 2023
ACS Fall 2023 National Meeting “Harnessing the Power of Data” will be held in San Francisco, California. The AGRO division of ACS will be hosting a 50th anniversary celebration with special symposia and an agriculture tour.
20 to 25 August 2023
The 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology “One Health for all plants, crops and trees” will be organized by the French Phytopathological Society in Lyon, France.
17 to 19 September 2023
The 10th International Conference of MIKROBIO KOSMOS will be held in Larissa, Greece.
17 to 20 September 2023
SETAC Latin America 15th Biennial Meeting will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay. Abstract submission is open until 17 April.
8 to 11 October 2023
SETAC Africa 11th Biennial Conference will be held in Accra, Ghana. Session proposals are being sought through 1 March.
16 to 20 October 2023
Forty-five years after the first European Congress of Entomology in 1978 at Reading University, UK and following a series of successful congresses around Europe, the XII European Congress of Entomology (ECE 2023) will be held in Grete, Greece.
12 to 16 November 2023
SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Call for session proposals is open through 28 February.
1 to 5 July 2024
The XX International Plant Protection Congress “Healthy Plants Support Human Welfare” will be held in Athens Greece.
7 to 11 July 2024
The next International Weed Science Congress will be in 2024 in Jerusalem, Israel.
“What is a Chemical? Webinar Series. IUPAC is currently undertaking a project called WorldFAIR Chemistry: making IUPAC assets FAIR. FAIR meaning data which meet principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. IUPAC has launched a webinar series called “What is a Chemical?” Recordings of the webinars are available on the IUPAC YouTube Channel. WorldFAIR chemistry is part of a larger project called “WorldFAIR: Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice“.
European Policy Research Service Policy Podcasts
– Sustainable use of plant protection products
– Development of organic production in the EU: 2021-2027 action plan
– Protecting pollinator diversity in the EU
Science on the Menu, “Food Choices Beyond the Menu” with European Food Safety Authority social scientist Domagoj Vrbos.
Production of fake pesticides on the rise in the EU
One Country One Priority Product – FAO sponsored project “Global Action on Green Development of Special Agricultural Products”.
US Department of Agriculture, Animal Health and Plant Health Inspection Service has released information on its Plant Protection Act Section 7721 Funding
European Commission Project, Risk AssessmenT InnOvatioN for low-risk pesticides (RATION)
Innovation and Capacity Building in Agricultural Environmental and Rural UAV Services (ICAERUS)
Special Issue: Advances in Genome Editing for Sustainable Agriculture
Call for Papers: AGRO 50th Anniversary Joint Virtual Special Issue of Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry and ACS Agricultural Science and Technology.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology: ds-RNA-based Pesticides: Production, Development, and Application Technology
Frontiers in Plant Science: Considerations and Regulatory Approaches in the USA and in the EU for dsRNA-Based Externally Applied Pesticides for Plant Protection
Institute for European Environmental Policy: Exploring the benefits of biocontrol for sustainable agriculture: A literature review on biocontrol in light of the European Green Deal
Office of European Union: Study on the Union’s situation and options regarding invertebrate biological control agents for the use in plant health and plant protection
Crop Protection: Assessment of policy instruments for pesticide use reduction in Europe; Learning from a systematic literature review
Science: CRISPR technology: A decade of genome editing is only the beginning
Pest Management Science: Broad host range pathogens as bioherbicides: managing non-target plant disease risk
CropChem News contains regular sections on events, project highlights, selected articles, success stories and selected topics around new developments in crop protection and sustainable agriculture. Constructive feedback and recommendations for items to include are welcome. Inclusion of any topic, publication or project does not denote endorsement by IUPAC.
Editor: Dr. Zisis Vryzas, Democritus University of Thrace
Editorial Team: Dr. ir. Gijs A. Kleter, Wageningen Food Safety Research, Wageningen University and Research
Editorial Team: Dr. Laura L. McConnell, Bayer Crop Science, Regulatory Scientific Affairs