Following the success of the IYPT2019*, in 2020 IUPAC continued the Periodic Table Challenge which not only had more questions but also welcomed more participants! Since its start in 2019, more than 100000 tests have been taken by keen players from 155 countries/territories all over the world. In 2020, the PT Challenge saw not only continued popularity but was translated into Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish. Countless schools have participated throughout the year and we are proud to announce the list of 15 most active schools that have showed great and sustained interest in the IUPAC Periodic Table Challenge:
Bal Bharati Public School, Navi Mumbai (India)
Colegio Interamericano, Bogota (Colombia)
Covenant University, Ota (Nigeria)
STEM High School Qalyubia, Al Obour (Egypt)
St. Francis English Medium High School, Machilipatnam (India)
Tarlac State University, Tarlac (Philippines)
Universidad Central del Este, San Pedro (Dominican Republic)
Anglo Sanskrit College, Khanna (India)
Cluster School of SMK Methodist, Sibu (Malaysia)
DAV Public School BRS Nagar, Ludhiana (India)
Instituto “La Candelaria” Olmos, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
National Public School Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore (India)
STEM High School Dakahlia, Belkas (Egypt)
SMK Ora et Labora BSD, Tangerang Selatan (Indonesia)
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, Guadalajara (Mexico)
The highlighted TOP7 SCHOOLS will receive the Periodic Table posters signed by chemistry Nobel Laureates which is made possible by the generous participation from 13 Nobel laureates. Please contact us so we don’t miss you! We thank Roald Hoffmann (Nobel Prize 1981), Jean-Marie Lehn (1987), Barry Sharpless (2001), Kurt Wüthrich (2002), Peter Agre (2003), Robert H. Grubbs (2005), Martin Chalfie (2008), Ada Yonath (2009), Robert J. Lefkowitz (2012), Ben Feringa (2016), Sir Fraser Stoddart (2016), Joachim Frank (2017), Frances Arnold (2018) for their support!

Once again we would like to thank all the participants who, with their unwavering enthusiasm, continue to celebrate the Periodic Table in every corner of the world.
*Chemistry International, vol. 42, no. 2, 2020, pp. 18-21.