The World Chemistry Leadership Meeting (WCLM) is an integral part of the IUPAC World Chemistry Congress (WCC) and General Assembly. This year meeting has a forward-looking topic — the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Chemistry. Six general topics will be discussed at events around the globe:
• Discovery:Processes and Tools of the Future
• Determination: Candidates for Process Development and Optimization
• Development: Products and services using AI in the Future
• Impact:R&D Laboratories and Instrumentation of the Future
• Information: Informatics, Datasets and Curation of the Future
• Insight:Analysis and Modeling Chemical Research of the Future
This virtual event is free for all IUPAC Congress and GA registrants, including NAOs delegates. Register at
Prior the opening, video presentations by each speaker will be available for all to stream [‘on-demand video‘ readily available from the Wednesday WCLM session of the Congress] highlighting the key challenges and opportunities in specific areas. The actual event will be a twenty-four hour worldwide discussion, beginning with a live kick-offin Montréal, Canada at 8:00am EDT on August 17, 2021, with opening remarks and a plenary lecture by Yoshua Bengio, Founder and Scientific Director of Mila – Quebec AI Institute. The WCLM will then be handed-off to Malaysia (the site of the 2025 WCC) where the discussion will continue. This will be followed by a hand-off to The Netherlands (site of the 2023 WCC) for further discussion, and then the WCLM will return to Montréal, Canada for the closing session with a wrap-up panel. During the closing program all six speakers will present a live five-minute summary of their topic and the floor will then be opened for a Q&A session of about forty-five minutes. The WCLM will then close with a plenary lecture by Jeremy Frey, Head of Computational Systems Chemistry and Principal Investigator for the AI Scientific Discovery Network at the University of Southampton.
Detailed Program
Kick-off session- Overall Introductions to the WCLM
Bruce Lennox (WCC) How will this WCLM work
Javier Garcia-Martinez (IUPAC) IUPAC’s Interest in AI
8:15 am Plenary Lecture
Speaker: Prof. Yoshua Bengio (Université de Montréal) Live and on-demand
Hand off to Malaysia
Wednesday August 18th 9:00 am MYT (Malaysia time, i.e. UTC+8)
WCLM Invitation & Program | Speakers Biographies | Register HERE | Final Program (v. 14Aug2021; PDF 1.6MB)
Hand off to Netherlands
Wednesday August 18th 9:00 am CEST (Netherlands time, i.e. UTC+2)
Program | Register HERE | > Watch on YOUTUBE (KNCV channel)
Return to Montreal
Panel Discussion | Wrap-up | Closing
Introduction: Bonnie Lawlor and Christopher Ober
Panel Discussion: Sets the Stage/Rules/Follow-up
Moderator: Tony Williams
Each speaker will speak about their video and summarize key challenges and opportunities for the topic of their presentations.
Discovery Processes and Tools of the Future (best examples)
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Bender (University of Cambridge)
Determination of candidates/Process Development and Optimization
Speaker: Ms. Wendy Poulsen (Bayer Crop Science)
Development of products and services using AI in the Future
Speaker: Dr. Nathan Brown (BenevolentAI)
Impact: R&D Laboratories and Instrumentation of the Future
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Fleming (Arctoris)
Information: Informatics, Datasets and Curation of the Future
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christoph Steinbeck (Friedrich-Schiller University)
Insight: Analysis and Modeling Chemical Research of the Future
Speaker: Dr. Lucy Colwell (Google Research/University of Cambridge)
Q&A Panel Discussion with the Presenters (live)
Closing Plenary: How do we shape the future and what critical issues need to be addressed?
Speaker: Prof. Jeremy Frey (University of Southampton)

The objective of this topical and innovative program is to shed some light on how the global community of chemical researchers currently perceive as the challenges and opportunities offered by AI and what that might mean for the future of Chemistry… and of IUPAC.
QSTs? Ask Chris Ober, Chair of WCLM Organizing Team. Others on the team are Jeremy Frey, Bonnie Lawlor, LeahMcEwen, Fabienne Meyers, and Lynn Soby.
< back to
(Announcement published in Chem Int July 2021, p. 48;
> Read more …
- Artificial Intelligence and Chemistry: How do we shape the future? What are the critical issues to be addressed by IUPAC? by Jeremy G. Frey, Chem Int April 2022, p. 6 (
- The 2021 IUPAC World Chemistry Leadership Meeting: A Global Conversation on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry, by Jeremy Frey, Bonnie Lawlor, Leah McEwen, Christopher Ober, and Antony William, Chem Int July 2022, pp. 8-11 (
Plenary Lecture – Machine Learning to assist in chemical discovery
Speaker: Prof. Yoshua Bengio (Université de Montréal)
Discovery Processes and Tools of the Future (best examples)
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Bender (University of Cambridge)
Determination of candidates/Process Development and Optimization
Speaker: Ms. Wendy Poulsen (Bayer Crop Science)
Impact: R&D Laboratories and Instrumentation of the Future
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Fleming (Arctoris)
Information: Informatics, Datasets and Curation of the Future
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Christoph Steinbeck (Friedrich-Schiller University)
Insight: Analysis and Modeling Chemical Research of the Future
Speaker: Dr. Lucy Colwell (Google Research/University of Cambridge)
Closing Plenary: How do we shape the future and what critical issues need to be addressed?
Speaker: Prof. Jeremy Frey (University of Southampton)