Q: Does IUPAC.org have a RSS?
A: Yes, check iupac.org/feed/
RSS, “really simple syndication” or “rich site summary” depending on who you ask, might be ‘old school’, but still, it is a simple and reliable tool to keep informed and share web content.
The IUPAC RSS feed includes all latest News posted under https://iupac.org/news/
As a member wanting to support IUPAC, you can encourage your NAOs to embed that feed into its own website. That is actually what IYCN, an Associate Organization of IUPAC, did in the resources page of Chemvoices.org. By doing so, IUPAC News are broadcasted seamlessly onto their site.

For individuals, following feeds is a way to keep informed without relying on social media. There is a plethora of feed readers out there, and one that IUPAC web developers are recommending is feedly.com.
Suggestions/Questions are welcome.
Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash