IUPAC’s official journal is published monthly and includes recommendations, technical reports, and lectures from conferences. PAC is published in partnership with De Gruyter and the online version is available on the publisher’s website at degruyter.com/pac.
LINK here to access manuscript central, the online manuscripts platform at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pac
Recent eTOC on iupac.org
In 2020, IUPAC celebrated PAC 60th anniversary! Read and share from the PAC60 virtual special issue, a selection of 60 seminal papers published in PAC over the past 60 years.
Access to pre-2014 archives is available at www.iupac.org/publications/pac/
Guidelines for Drafting IUPAC Technical Reports and Recommendations
Procedures for Publishing IUPAC Technical Reports and Recommendations, and IUPAC Books
IUPAC Standards Online – This database developed by DeGruyter provides for the quick and easy search and retrieval of IUPAC’s standards and recommendations from Pure and Applied Chemistry archive.
Template – please visit DeGruyter website