The 2016 IUPAC ThalesNano prize has been awarded to Professor Volker Hessel.
The prize will be presented at IMRET14 in Beijing on 14 September 2016. The prize consists of an award of $10,000 US Dollars. At the awards ceremony Professor Hessel will make a short technical presentation.
Professor Hessel has been active in flow chemistry from 1994 and thus has a 22 years engagement in flow chemistry which is longer than for any other researcher in the field. Professor Hessels group (at the early stage at IMM Institut fuer Mikrotechnik Mainz, Germany and later at the Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands) created outstanding methodologies for organic syntheses, especially at micro-flow conditions, including catalysis, photochemistry, application of plasma catalysis, and multiphase flow, to name only a few.
Prof. Hessel is one of the most important scientist in the field of Microreaction Technology. He brought the idea from the “high p,T” processing into the lab-scale life and later successfully into the industrial scale. Prof. Hessel has published several textbooks which are in world-wide use as basics for micro-flow research and also for advanced teaching. His multidisciplinary work is published numerous papers. His number of citations approaches 9000 and his highest cited review paper (Angew. Chem.) will soon have 1000 citations. His work spans the fields of chemistry and engineering.
Professor Hessel holds a PhD in Chemistry from Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz. He is Full professor “Micro Flow Chemistry & Process Technology” at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Group Micro Flow Chemistry & Process Technology, Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (CEC). He has relationships with many organisations and industrial contacts.
PS: In 2018, Volker Hessel contributed a feature article in IUPAC magazine, Chemistry International, entitled “Everything Flows – Continuous Micro-Flow for Pharmaceutical Production, CI April 2018, pp. 12-16 <https://doi.org/10.1515/ci-2018-0203>