The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry established the IUPAC Poster Prizes to recognize outstanding poster presentations at IUPAC Congresses and Division-endorsed conferences where poster sessions are held. On request of a National Adhering Organization, IUPAC Poster Prizes may also be awarded at a single chosen national conference each year.

Typically, two prizes are awarded, although some conferences may award up to three prizes. The conference organizers oversee the selection of the prizewinners.
The winners of the IUPAC Poster Prizes are awarded a certificate signed by the IUPAC President and a one year complimentary subscription to Chemistry International.
- Prizes will be awarded at all IUPAC Congresses and Division endorsed meetings where poster sessions are held.
- Prizes will be awarded at national meetings if requested. Not more than one meeting per country a year can apply, and that meeting should be selected by the relevant NAO.
- In all cases except IUPAC Congresses, there will be normally two or a maximum of three prizes per conference.
- Selection of prizewinners is in the control of the conference organizers.
- Each prize will consist of (i) a certificate signed by the President and (ii) one year subscription to Chemistry International.
National Adhering Organizations are asked to inform their national chemical societies of this program and to inform the Secretariat ([email protected]) of any plans to award IUPAC Poster Prizes at a national meeting. Likewise, Division Committees are asked to inform the organizers of meetings endorsed by their Divisions of this opportunity.
Feedback — Professor Mike Scurrell, who organized the 2005 Carman Symposium, hosted by the South African Chemical Institute, has responded warmly to this program. While informing the Secretariat that the conference will award IUPAC Poster Prizes on behalf of South Africa’s NAO, he wrote:
“As a regular organizer of conferences we are well aware of the importance of awarding prizes for poster presentations, particularly for younger contributors. Over the past few years we have been astounded by the very significant increase in the quality of posters that are now a far cry from some of the hastily compiled sheets of research results that were very common in the past. The lure of a prize, be it a medal, cash, certificate, or similar really can focus the mind on producing a high-quality product and can ensure a high state of preparedness on the part of the presenter when the poster session is held, in order that some meaningful discussion and interaction can take place. We assess poster quality not only on the appearance of the item, which, with modern software can achieve a very impressive level, but also on the scientific content and the way the poster medium is used to convey the essential message quickly and accurately. We also acknowledge the ability of the presenter(s) to engage with those viewing the poster. In the specific case of IUPAC prizes, there is the additional benefit of helping us bring to everyone’s attention the work of the organization by raising awareness of the Union at conference gatherings.” — reproduced from Chem Int 27:3, May 2005.