A new issue of Chemistry International is now available on De Gruyter Online.
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Chemistry International Volume 40, Issue 2
Features | Wire | Project Place | Making and imPACt | Bookworm | Conference Call | Where 2B&Y | Stamps International | Mark Your Calendar
Archives of Chemistry International
President’s Column
A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending, Tarasova, Natalia (Page 2)
Jamaican Chemists in Early Global Communication, Lancashire, Robert (Page 5)
Everything Flows: Continuous Micro-Flow for Pharmaceutical Production, Hessel, Volker (Page 12)
Health for All in Dhaka: CHEMRAWN helps establish an International Centre for Natural Product Research, Sydnes, Leiv K. (Page 17)
Chemistry and Cultural Heritage, Melo, Maria J. / Nevin, Austin / Baglioni, Piero (Page 20) | & see Stamps International
IUPAC Offers an Open Door to Chemists of the World*—A Program Revisited, Humphris, Colin J. (Page 26)
Sixth Polymer International–IUPAC Award goes to Cyrille Boyer (Page 29)
Peter D.J. Grootenhuis is Awarded the 2018 IUPAC-Richter Prize (Page 29)
The United Nations Proclaims the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (Page 30)
World Metrology Day, 20 May 2018 (Page 31)
Science for Peace (Page 31)
Resolution on the Water Crisis in Gaza (Page 32)
The Chemical Weapons Convention: From Disarmament to Sustainable Development (Page 32)
Project Place
Interdivisional Discussion of Critical Evaluation of Chemistry Data (Page 34)
Middle east regional cooperation and sustainable water management of transboundary water (Page 35)
Chemical and Biochemical Thermodynamics Reunification (Page 38)
Chemistry Teacher International (Page 38)
Human Health Risk Consideration of Nano-Enabled Pesticides for Industry and Regulators (Page 38)
IUPAC100 Periodic Table Challenge (Page 39)
Making an imPACt
Definition of the mole (IUPAC Recommendation 2017) | On the future revision of the SI | Reactions/comments to the new definition of the mole (Page 40-41)
Terminology of separation methods (IUPAC Recommendations 2017) (Page 42)
Interpreting and propagating the uncertainty of the standard atomic weights (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 42)
Mass and volume in analytical chemistry (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 42)
Risk assessment of effects of cadmium on human health (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 43) > PAC https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2016-0910
Vocabulary on nominal property, examination, and related concepts for clinical laboratory sciences (IFCC-IUPAC Recommendations 2017) (Page 43) > PAC https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2011-0613
“Speciation” Chemistry: Overdue for a Resurgence (Page 44)
IUPAC Silver book—corrigendum (Page 45)
Conference Call
Chemistry and the Environment, Purchase, Diane / Obare, Sherine / Unsworth, John / Garelick, Hemda (Page 46)
Advanced Materials (POLYCHAR2017), Fellows, Chris / Han, Melissa Chan Chin (Page 51)
Bioorganic Chemistry in an Interdisciplinary Context , Marx, Andreas (Page 54)
Where 2B & Y (Page 56)
The heritage of chemistry—A cultural heritage to be revealed 19 June 2018, Paris, France
Summer school on analytical sciences, metrology and accreditation 8-21 July 2018, Tallinn, Estonia
Organometallic Chemistry 15-20 July 2018, Florence, Italy
Supporting FAIR Exchange of Chemical Data through Standards Development—a Joint IUPAC and CODATA workshop 16-17 July 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chemistry Education (ICCE2018) 10-14 July 2018, Sydney, Australia
2nd International Conference on Global Challenges in Neglected Tropical Diseases 25-27 June 2018, San Juan, Puerto Rico (issue back cover)
Stamps International
Cultural Heritage Chemistry, Rabinovich, Daniel (Page 58)
Mark Your Calendar (Page 59)
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