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Chemistry International Volume 45, Issue 1
TOC and full issue on degruyter.com/ci
cover: Plastic pollution has been a serious environmental problem of global concern for quite some time. How to solve the problem was vigorously discussed at a UN conference in Nairobi, Kenya in March 2022, and before the assembly adjourned, an ambitious international agreement to end plastic pollution was concluded. To reach this goal will be very demanding and require significant efforts from many, including IUPAC. See feature by Leiv Sydnes page 4. Photo by Vivianne Lemay on Unsplash.
Features | Wire | Project Place | imPACt | Conference Call | Mark Your Calendar
Archives of Chemistry International
Secretary General’s Column
Beginnings, Reviews, and Rejuvenation (2-3)
by Richard Hartshorn
Plastic post-Nairobi Needs IUPAC Involvement (4-7)
by Leiv K. Sydnes
NFDI4Chem—A Research Data Network for International Chemistry (8-13)
by Christoph Steinbeck, Oliver Koepler, Sonja Herres-Pawlis, Felix Bach, Nicole Jung, Matthias Razum, Johannes C. Liermann, and Steffen Neumann
WorldFAIR Chemistry: Making IUPAC Assets FAIR (14-17)
by Leah McEwen and Fatima Mustafa
{see https://iupac.org/project/2022-012-1-024}
Conformity Assessment of a Substance or Material (18-19)
Q&A with Ilya Kuselman
{> iupac.org/news/}
IUPAC is seeking Expressions of Interest to host the General Assembly and World Chemistry Congress in the year 2029 (20)
IUPAC Awards in Analytical Chemistry—Call for nominations (20)
2023 IUPAC-Solvay International Award For Young Chemists—Call For Applicants (20)
IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award For Advancements In Green Chemistry—Call For Nominations (21)
IUPAC Elections for the 2024–2025 Term (22)
IUPAC welcomes its new Executive Director, Dr. Greta Heydenrych (22)
IUPAC scientific journal Pure and Applied Chemistry names Ganesan interim editor (23)
Best Practices in Chemistry Education and Around e-Waste (23)
Erratum (23)
Project Place
{> https://iupac.org/projects/}
Introducing the IUPAC Seal of Approval for a wider adoption of IUPAC recommended symbols, terminology and nomenclature: Stage 1—Symbols (24)
or <https://iupac.org/project/2022-008-4-500>
Effective teaching tools and methods to learn about e-waste (24)
or <https://iupac.org/project/2022-016-1-021>
A Collection of Experimental Standard Procedures in Synthetic Photochemistry (24)
or <https://iupac.org/project/2008-037-2-300>
Making an imPACt
A brief guide to polymerization terminology (IUPAC Technical Report) (27)
Christine K. Luscombe, et al. PAC, 2022,Vol. 94, no. 9, pp. 1079-1084; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2021-0115
IUGS–IUPAC recommendations and status reports on the half-lives of 87Rb, 146Sm, 147Sm, 234U, 235U, and 238U (IUPAC Technical Report) (27)
Igor M. Villa, et al. PAC, 2022, Vol. 94, no. 9, pp. 1085-1092; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2021-1202
Terminology for chain polymerization (IUPAC Recommendations 2021) (27)
Christopher M. Fellows, et al. PAC, 2022, Vol. 94, no. 9, pp. 1093-1147; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2020-1211
Pesticide soil microbial toxicity: setting the scene for a new pesticide risk assessment for soil microorganisms (IUPAC Technical Report) (27)
Dimitrios G. Karpouzas, Zisis Vryzas, and Fabrice Martin-Laurent, PAC, 2022, Vol. 94, no. 10, pp. 1161-1194; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2022-0201
Specification of International Chemical Identifier (InChI) QR codes for linking labels on containers of chemical samples to digital resources (IUPAC Recommendations 2021) (28)
Jeremy G. Frey, Richard M. Hartshorn, and Leah R. McEwen, PAC, 2022, Vol. 94, no. 10, pp. 1195-1206; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2021-0604
Conference Call
Chemistry Education (ICCE 2022) (31)
and ICCE—a short historical perspective (36)
<https://doi.org/10.1515/ci-2023-0123> and <https://doi.org/10.1515/ci-2023-0124>
Green Chemistry in Greece (ICGC 2022) (40)
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (WATOC 2020) (41)
Assessment of Performance and Uncertainty in Qualitative Chemical Analysis (46)
Polymer Synthesis (51)
<https://iupac.org/event/macro2022/> and <https://iupac.org/project/2021-021-1-400/>

Mark Your Calendar
{> iupac.org/events/}
page first posted 9 Jan 2023; published by De Gruyter 19 Jan 2023