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Chemistry International Volume 44, Issue 2
TOC and full issue pdf on degruyter.com/ci
cover: Artificial Intelligence was made the focus of the 2021 World Chemistry Leadership Meeting held virtually during the IUPAC Congress. The closing keynote presented by Jeremy Frey “How do we shape the future?” brought together the ideas raised by the speakers of the sessions and the highlights of the discussions held simultaneously in Malaysia, in The Netherlands, and with the panel in Montréal. Ultimately, Frey even suggested directions for IUPAC to take the lead in the transformation of chemistry as a science in the digital age. See more p. 6.
Photo illustration by Stuart Wilson with photography by Trollinho-Ya and Kelly-Sikkema
Features | Wire | Project Place | imPACt | Up for Discussion | Conference Call | Mark Your Calendar
Archives of Chemistry International
IUPAC from A Young Chemist’s Perspective (2-5)
by Yvonne Choo Shuen Lann <https://yvonnechoo.tumblr.com/>

Artificial Intelligence and Chemistry
How do we shape the future? What are the critical issues to be addressed by IUPAC? (6-9)
by Jeremy G. Frey
Physical Organic Chemistry in the 21st Century
A Q1 Progress Report (10-13)
by Ian H. Williams
Hidden HERstory—Helen Stevens (14-16)
by Marina Wells
{> iupac.org/news/}
The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development proclaimed by the UN for 2022 (18)
Michael E. Jung is Awarded the 2022 IUPAC-Richter Prize (19)
Solvay awards science prize to Katalin Karikó (19)
2022 CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Green Chemistry—Call for Nominations (20)
Metrology in the Digital Era (21)
Chemistry In Japan (21)
Happy 100th birthday HIST! (22)
IUPAC Emeritus Fellows (22)
In memoriam (23)
Laudatio—Professor Jung-Il Jin (23)
Corrigendum—Chemistry Teacher International entering its fourth year (25)
Project Place
{> https://iupac.org/projects/}
Conceptualization of definition and classification for humic substances (26)
NPU codes for characterizing subpopulations of the hematopoietic lineage, described from their Clusters of Differentiation (CD) markers (27)
Minimising Environmental Impacts of Tyre and Road Wear Particles (27)
Educational Workshop in Polymer Sciences 2022 (28)
Chemistry Education and Cultural Heritage—CTI Special Issue (28)
Safety Training Program e-learning (29)
Solubility data of alkanoic acids (30)
Making an imPACt
Glossary of terms relating to electronic, photonic and magnetic properties of polymers (IUPAC Recommendations 2021)
Jiří Vohlídal, et al., PAC, 2022, Vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 15-69; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2020-0501
Henry’s law constants (IUPAC Recommendations 2021)
Rolf Sander, William E. Acree, Alex De Visscher, Stephen E. Schwartz, and Timothy J. Wallington, PAC, 2022, Vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 71-85; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2020-0302
Methods to evaluate the scavenging activity of antioxidants toward reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (IUPAC Technical Report)
Reşat Apak, et al., PAC, 2022, Vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 87-144; https://doi.org/10.1515/pac-2020-0902
Did you say PFAS ?
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2021
reviewed by Richard M. Hartshorn and Molly A. Strausbaugh
IUPAC Provisional Recommendations
Specification of International Chemical Identifier (InChI) QR Codes for Labels on Chemical Samples
Up for Discussion
An Organizational Structure for the Future
by Mark Cesa, Ito Chao, Michael Droescher, Lori Ferrins, Zhigang Shuai, and Javier Garcia-Martinez
Conference Call
IUPAC/CCCE 2021—Montréal, Canada (38)
by Neil Burford
IUPAC and IYCN: Working Together for a Globally Sustainable Future (39)
by Carolina Sotério, João Borges and Javier García Martínez
Environmental Chemistry and Sustainability (45)
by Diane Purchase, Annemieke Farenhorst, Hemda Garelick, Nadia G. Kandile, Christine Luscombe, Laura McConnell, Bulent Mertoglu, Bradley Miller, Fani Sakellariadou, Roberto Terzano, and Weiping Wu
CHEMRAWN XXII E-waste in Africa—a boost to take strong actions for a better future (48)
by Leiv K. Sydnes
Mark Your Calendar
{> iupac.org/events/}
page first posted 7 Apr 2022; published by De Gruyter 14 Apr 2022