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Chemistry International Volume 40, Issue 3
Features | Wire | Project Place | Making and imPACt | Up for Discussion | Bookworm | Conference Call | Stamps International | Mark Your Calendar
Archives of Chemistry International
Secretary General’s Column
IUPAC Large or Small? Some Fractal Character?, Hartshorn, Richard (Page 2)
Stamps International
Nitrogen Fixation before Haber, Rabinovich, Daniel (Page 3)
The Future of the Chemical Sciences, Palermo, Alejandra (Page 4)
Chemistry in a Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary World , Ober, Christopher / Garelick, Hemda (Page 7)
IUPAC and IYCN: Forging New Connections to Support Younger Chemists Worldwide , Ferrins, Lori / Llabani, Evijola / Dunne, Christine (Page 11)
The Gender Gap in Science , Chiu, Mei-Hung / Roy, Marie-Francoise / Liaw, Hongming (Page 14)
Chemistry in Senegal: Between Skepticism and Hope, Fall, Modou / Ndiaye, Serigne Amadou / Diop, Mayoro (Page 18)
Seth Herzon is the recipient of the 2018 Thieme-IUPAC Prize (Page 27)
Andreas Walther receives the Hanwha-Total IUPAC Young Scientist Award 2018 (Page 27)
Chris Brett awarded the medal of CCS (Page 28)
IUPAC Announces the Winners of the 2018 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists (Page 28)

IUPAC 2019 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering—Call for Nominations (Page 29)
Project Place
Expression of uncertainty in measurement (Page 30)
DIGChem—a vision for chemical data standards (Page 31)
Glossary of terms used in biochar research (Page 32)
IUPAC100 Global Breakfast (Page 33) or see https://iupac.org/100/global-breakfast/
Making an imPACt
Terminology of bioanalytical methods (IUPAC Recommendations 2018) (Page 34)
Reorienting chemistry education through systems thinking (Page 34)
Corrigendum (Page 35)
Up for Discussion
Consideration of the sequence rule in rule P-94.2, Izumi, Hiroshi (Page 36)
Comprehensive Glossary of Terms Used in Toxicology (Page 38)
Chemistry Teacher International, best practices in chemistry education (Page 39)
The IUPAC Green Book in Portuguese (Page 41)
Arene Chemistry: Reaction Mechanisms and Methods for Aromatic Compounds, reviewed by Oleg M. Demchuk (Page 42)
Conference Call
Trans-Mediterranean Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Florio, Saverio / Alami, Anouar (Page 46)
Potential Impact of Pesticides on Environment and Human Health, Amaraneni, Sreenivasa Rao (Page 46)
Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Šantić, Ana / Kovačević, D. / Đaković, Marijana (Page 48)
Crossing Divides—Science Towards Peace in the Middle East, Langer, Stanley (Page 51)
Mark Your Calendar (Page 54)
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