A new issue of Chemistry International is now available on De Gruyter Online.
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Chemistry International Volume 39, Issue 4
SPECIAL Issue – In 2017, the IUPAC Polymer Division turns 50 and with this issue of Chemistry International, we want to celebrate the occasion with a short review of who we are, what we do, how we do it, and what the future might hold. Within these few pages you will read of the Division’s origins, the people who set it up and shaped its modern purpose, its relevance within modern polymer chemistry, its present day structure and the people who currently keep the show on the road, the recent histories and modus operandi of three of the divisional subcommittees, its conference activities and, in a thought-provoking end note, our president’s reflections on our continuity of purpose within an unpredictable and ever-changing world: an essay with a very human touch, about our people and their inner resources when fears run high…. [editorial PDF, Because People Matter, by Richard (Dick) Jones, guest editor]
Features | Stamps International | Wire | Conference Call | Up for Discussion | Mark Your Calendar
Archives of Chemistry International
Past President’s Column
Looking Back on Six Years of Service as an Officer, Cesa, Mark (Page 2)
IUPAC Polymer Division at 50 Years, Jones, Richard “Dick” (Page 4)
Polymer Chemistry: Current Status and Perspective, Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof (Page 7)
PolDiv101: A Brief Guide to the Polymer Division, Fellows, Christopher M. / Luscombe, Christine K. / Russell, Gregory T. (Page 12)
A Personal View of the Life and Times of the Subcommittee on Polymer Terminology, Hiorns, Roger C. (Page 14)
Modeling of Polymerization Kinetics and Processes—from Voting to Toting, Russell, Gregory T. (Page 20)
IUPAC in Polymer Education, Fellows, Christopher / Theato, Patrick (Page 24)
IUPAC Polymer Conferences, Hess, Michael (Page 28)
MACRO 2016, Istanbul: An IUPAC Morality Tale Russell, Gregory T. (Page 33)
Stamps International
Polymers Everyday and Everywhere, Rabinovich, Daniel (Page 56)
IUPAC Celebrates 100th Anniversary in 2019 (Page 35)
The Periodic Table at the University of Murcia (Page 35)
IUPAC Standards Online (Page 37)
2018 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists (Page 38)
Thieme–IUPAC Prize 2018—Call for Nominations (Page 38)
2018 IUPAC-Richter Prize—Call for Nominations (Page 38)
Polymer International–IUPAC Award—2018 Call for Nominations (Page 39)
2018 ChemRAWN VII Prize for Green Chemistry—Call for Nominations (Page 39)
Actions Taken at IUPAC Council and Bureau, São Paulo, Brazil 2017 (Page 40)
IYCN and IUPAC Work Together (Page 42)
Conference Call
Boron Chemistry (IMEBORON XVI), Beckett, Michael A. (Page 44)
Ecological Risk Assessment, Unsworth, John B. / Carazo, Elizabeth (Page 45)
IUPAC 2017 – World Chemistry Congress and IUPAC General Assembly, Saha, Bipul Behari (Page 46)
Up for Discussion
From Young Observers to Young Actors: A Message to IUPAC from a few Young Observers (Page 49)
Mark Your Calendar (Page 51)
Index 2017 (Page 54)
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