A new issue of Chemistry International is now available.
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Chemistry International Volume 42, Issue 4
Full issue pdf | TOC on degruyter.com/ci
cover: The Young Ambassadors for Chemistry (YAC) is a project of the IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education that trains teachers around the world to communicate the benefits of chemistry to the general public with the help of their students as young ambassadors. In September 2019, the project was held in Mongolia with enthusiasm and success to share; see report by Masahiro Kamata, p. 42.
Features | Wire | Project Place | imPACt | Bookworm | Conference Call | Where 2B&Y | Mark Your Calendar
Archives of Chemistry International
Secretary General’s Column
Being safe and productive in this modern world by Richard Hartshorn (Page 2)
Ten Chemical Innovations by Fernando Gomollón-Bel (Page 3)
The Minamata Convention by Eisaku Toda, Claudia ten Have, and Jozef M. Pacyna (Page 10)
A Path for Tracking Funded Research and Compliance by Howard Ratner and Susan Spilka (Page 19)
PAC Natural Products: A Story Six Decades in the Making by David StC Black (Page 24)
Wire {> iupac.org/news/}
IUPAC Elections for the 2022–2023 Term (Page 29)
IUPAC Announces the 2020 Top Ten Emerging Technologies In Chemistry (Page 29)
2021 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists— Call for applicants (Page 30)
2021 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering Award—Call for nominations (Page 30)
IUPAC Awards in Analytical Chemistry—Call for nominations (Page 31)
IUMRS Survey on the Evolution of Scientific Publishing (Page 31)
Open Science for a Global Transformation: CODATA-coordinated submission to the UNESCO Open Science Consultation (Page 32)
The IUPAC Periodic Table Challenge available in multi-language (Page 32)
Emeritus Fellows (Page 33)
CI Green is back, online (Page 33)
Nomenclature of Sequence-Controlled Polymers (Page 35)
ChemVoices—IYCN-IUPAC Younger Chemists Showcase (Page 35)
Digital Representation of Units of Measure (Page 36)
Provisional Recommendations (Page 37)
Making an imPACt
A concise guide to polymer nomenclature for authors of papers and reports in polymer science and technology (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 37)
On the discovery of new elements (IUPAC/IUPAP Report) (Page 37)
Interlaboratory comparison of humic substances compositional space as measured by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 38)
Structure, processing and performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) (IUPAC Technical Report) (Page 38)
Women in their Element (Page 39)
For Science, King & Country: The Life and Legacy of Henry Moseley (Page 40)

Conference Call
Young Ambassadors for Chemistry (YAC) achievements in Mongolia (Page 42)
(see also https://iupac.org/project/2018-015-2-050)
21st Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry (Page 46)
An elegant molecule and a celebrated polymer chemist (Page 48)
The 2020 calendar of conferences has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most events originally planned are been cancelled, postponed, and in a few instances reframed as virtual events. All IUPAC-endorsed events originally scheduled in 2020 and that are postponed will retain their endorsement. We invite you to review regularly the calendar of IUPAC endorsed events at https://iupac.org/events/
{> iupac.org/events/}
Index 2020 (Page 51) (PDF CI2020_Year-index)