Each year IUPAC endorses a large number of independently organized conferences, symposiums and workshops that cover a wide range of specialized topics in chemistry. Endorsement by IUPAC attests to the quality of the scientific program and indicates the host country’s assurance that scientists from all countries may participate. The conference must be located in a country represented in IUPAC by a National Adhering Organization. See program details.

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21 Sep 2022 - 24 Sep 2022

Diffusion in Nanoporous Solids

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A Workshop on Diffusion in Nanoporous Solids to provide a first comprehensive set of guidelines for measurements and reporting of diffusion properties of chemical compounds in nanoporous materials serving for catalytic, mass separation and other relevant purposes. part of IUPAC project 2015-002-2-100, chaired by Jörg Kärger

The forum for continuing this project activities aiming at the formulation of the Guidelines for measurements and reporting of diffusion properties … is being organized as part of the 9th Diffusion-Fundamentals conference in Krakow in September 2022 (https://diffusionfundamentals2021.confer.uj.edu.pl).

The organizers of the IXth edition of the Diffusion Fundamentals conference to be held in Kraków (Poland) from 21-24 September 2022 intend to continue the 16-years tradition of the series. Invitation to attend the conference is addressed to the wide milieu of scientists interested in diverse concepts of diffusion – understood not only as a movement of material bodies in all scales but also as any spreading phenomena in diverse areas of knowledge.
(This event was originally scheduled for September 2021 and has been posted one year.)

Contact for the workshop: Jörg Kärger

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Date & Time

21 Sep 2022


24 Sep 2022

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