Each year IUPAC endorses a large number of independently organized conferences, symposiums and workshops that cover a wide range of specialized topics in chemistry. Endorsement by IUPAC attests to the quality of the scientific program and indicates the host country’s assurance that scientists from all countries may participate. The conference must be located in a country represented in IUPAC by a National Adhering Organization. See program details.

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9 Nov 2021 - 12 Nov 2021

Polymer-solvent Complexes and Intercalates (POLYSOLVAT-13)

  • This event has passed.

!! This event was first planned for Nov 2020 and was postponed due to COVID-19. It is still unclear what the format of the event will be. The organizers are keeping a close eye on the situation and are considering the possibility of remote or hybrid hosting, and expect to make a decision at the end of May!!


POLYSOLVAT focuses on the formation mechanisms, the morphology, the molecular structure, and the properties of compounds formed between solvent molecules and/or small molecules with synthetic polymers, biopolymers, proteins, and supramolecular polymers. The bulk state, the solutions and the systems formed at surfaces/interfaces will be considered.

POLYSOLVAT is, so far, the only conference dealing with polymer-solvent molecular compounds and related systems. This is certainly an important contribution to the chemistry and physico-chemistry of materials.


Chairs of Program Committee
Dr. Fumitoshi KANEKO
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
+81 668505453 – [email protected]

Prof. Takahiro SATO
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
+81 668505461 – [email protected]

WEB http://www.chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/graduate/mms/polysolvat13/