Theme for World Metrology Day 2023: Measurements supporting the global food system This theme was chosen because of the increasing challenges of climate change, and global distribution of food in...
A IUPAC/CITAC Workshop on Metrology, Quality and Conformity Assessment, initially planned as part of IUPAC project 2019-012-1-500 and postponed because of the COVID19 pandemic, is now planned again as part...
A new issue of Chemistry International is now available. Chemistry International Volume 44, Issue 2, Apr 2022.
A new issue of Pure and Applied Chemistry -September 2021- is now available on De Gruyter Online.
The Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) has initiated the circulation for review of the first Committee Draft (CD) of the document JCGM 200, International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM),...
Provisional Recommendations are drafts of IUPAC recommendations on terminology, nomenclature, and symbols, made widely available to allow interested parties to comment before the recommendations are finally revised and published in...
IUPAC/CITAC Workshop “Metrology, Quality and Chemometrics – Correlation of Test Results and Mass Balance Influence on Conformity Assessment”, scheduled for 19-20 Jan 2021 in conjunction with ISRANALYTICA Conference and Exhibition, Israel,...
IUPAC and the BIPM have formalized their long-standing cooperation through the signature on 17 October 2019 of a Memorandum of Understanding.