The Council is the primary IUPAC governing body to which the Bureau, Executive Committee, Standing Committees, Divisions, Commissions, and all other IUPAC bodies are responsible. Council is composed of Delegations from the National Adhering Organizations (NAOs) and each NAO appoints its Delegates for every Council meeting. Associate National Adhering Organizations may attend Council meetings as Observers, but have no voting rights. Each NAO Delegation is assigned a specific number of votes according to principles decided by the Council. Regular meetings of the Council take place every two years as part of a General Assembly that consists of a set of meetings of the Council, the Bureau, Standing Committees, and other such IUPAC bodies as the Bureau shall decide, although the IUPAC President may convene special Council meetings as deemed necessary or at the request of one-third of the total number of Adhering Organizations, who must specify the reason for such a request.
At the General Assembly in São Paulo, Brazil in July 2017, Council approved a revised edition of the Statutes and Bylaws. Click below to access the IUPAC Statutes and Bylaws 2017 that regulate the Union’s activities.
Statutes and Bylaws 2017 (pdf 234KB)
Council Minutes, Decisions and Actions and Budgets
52nd Council Meeting, 23 and 24 August 2023, The Hague, Netherlands
> Detailed Agenda
> DRAFT minutes
> Budget Boundary Conditions
> Approved 2024-2025 Budget
4 June 2022 > IUPAC Special Council
IUPAC Special Council Meeting Minutes
Decisions and Actions from the 51st Council Meeting, 5 & 13-15 August 2021, Montreal/Virtual >
> Ratified Minutes
Decisions and Actions from the 50th Council Meeting, 10-11 July 2019, Paris 50th Council Decisions and Actions_Paris and 2020_2021 Budget_Approved by Council_11July2019
Detailed Agenda Book of the 50th Council Meeting, 10-11 July 2019, Paris Detailed Agenda Book 2019
Minutes of the 49th Council Meeting, 12-13 July 2017 49th Council Minutes Sao Paulo_Approved_12July2019
Decisions and Actions from the 49th Council Meeting, 12-13 July 2017 49th Council Decisions and Actions
Minutes of the 48th Council Meeting, 12-13 August 2015 48th Council Minutes Busan 2015 and Approved IUPAC Budget 2016-2017
Minutes of the 47th Council Meeting, 14-15 August 2013 47th Council_Minutes_Istanbul_2013
Minutes of the 46th Council Meeting, 3-4 August 2011 46th Council_Minutes_San_Juan_2011
Minutes of the 45th Council Meeting, 5-6 August 2009 45th Council_Minutes_Glasgow_2009
Council Delegations and IUPAC Presidents in Paris, July 2019