A new issue of Chemistry International is now available.
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Chemistry International Volume 43, Issue 1
TOC and full issue pdf on degruyter.com/ci
cover: More than any other human activity, agriculture is dependent on a stable and well-understood climate. The connection between climate and the cultivation of crops is a two-way process with temperature and rainfall determining the success of crop growth and growing crops themselves affecting carbon dioxide relations and water behaviour in the soil and atmosphere. Understanding these relations is essential in order to develop an efficient and sustainable agriculture and food system that can feed the world in decades to come. See feature page 14.
Features | Wire | Project Place | imPACt | Bookworm | Up for Discussion | Conference Call | Mark Your Calendar
Archives of Chemistry International
President’s Column
Resilience in Pandemic Time by Christopher Brett (Page 2)

Challenges for Evaluation of the Safety of Engineered Nanomaterials by Linda J. Johnston, Norma Gonzalez-Rojano, Kevin J. Wilkinson, and Baoshan Xing (page 4)
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by Bonnie Lawlor (page 8)
Feeding the World in a Time of Climate Change by Gary W. vanLoon and Atanu Sarkar (page 14)
Early Industrial Roots of Green Chemistry by Mark A. Murphy (page 21)
Wire {> iupac.org/news/}
Election of IUPAC Officers and Bureau Members—Call for Nominations (page 26)
IUPAC Congress 2027 (page 27)
IYPT 2019—Global Report (page 28)
UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Sciences (page 28)
IUPAC Blockchain Technology White Paper—Call for input (page 29)
CPCDS Shorts (page 29)
Feed for Thought (page 29)
In Memoriam—Alexander Lawson (page 30)
Project Place
Discussion on Group 3 of the Periodic Table by Eric Scerri (page 31)
Development of a Machine Accessible Kinetic Databank for Radical Polymerizations (page 34)
Assessment of Absolute Isotope Ratios for the International Isotope Delta Measurement Standards (page 34)
Development of a Metadata Schema for Critically Evaluated Solubility Measurement Data (page 35)
Glossary of methods and terms used in surface chemical analysis (page 36)
Global occurrence, chemical properties, and ecological impacts of e-wastes (page 36)
Variation of lead isotopic composition and atomic weight in terrestrial materials (page 36)
Definitions and notations relating to tactic polymers (page 37)
Terminology of polymers in advanced lithography (page 37)
IUPAC/CITAC Guide: Evaluation of risks of false decisions in conformity assessment of a multicomponent material (page 38)
PAC Jubilee—a manuscript from 1967: Dielectric dispersion in solutions of flexible polymers; Comments by Randal W Richards (page 38)
Glossary of Terms Used in Molecular Toxicology; Commentary by Douglas Templeton (page 40)
Up for Discussion
The Hudlicky Case—A reflection on the current state of affairs by Leiv K. Sydnes (page 42)
Conference Call
Frontiers in Chemical Technology (page 45)
OPCW Convenes International Experts to Develop Strategy (page 47)
Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School Online (page 47)
Mark Your Calendar
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page last updated 23 Jan 2021